problem moving gameobjects to another scene

I am trying to get a character and its camera to another scene with this code:
public GameObject m_MyGameObject;
public GameObject m_MyGameCam;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collision)

	if ( == "Plane")
		if (m_MyGameObject != null && m_MyGameCam != null)
			SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(m_MyGameObject, SceneManager.GetSceneByName("lvlfirstenemy"));


Though, I continue to get an error (even with problem solving) that the destination scene is not valid…
I know that i cannot reference it while the scene is inactive, so i tried to add the code right before moving the objects:


and another error appears: SceneManager.SetActiveScene failed; invalid scene.
The scene name is correct… any help?

To fix this, I’ve problem solved by copying and pasting the character and camera to the following level… I could not find any code to do this… It works.