problem not playing animation on keyDown

ROOKIE QUESTION. I am trying to make an animation to work when you press a key down but I can only get it work with en key pressed. This is simply what I have

animation["myanimation"].speed = speed/10;

I already know a way to make it work that is like this:

var myanimation = false;
function Update(){
myanimation = true;
if(myanimation == true){
animation["myanimation"].speed = speed/10;
if(/*myanimation finish*/){
myanimation = false;

the thing is that I want to know if there is a simple way to do this, so my question is how can I make a complete animation pressing down a key?

It looks like that first part should just work. If you need to know if the animation is still playing, check animation.IsPlaying

This is what i wrote for the same problem

function Awake() { animation["Idle"].layer = 0; animation["Run"].layer = 1; animation["Jump"].layer = 2; animation["Dead"].layer = 3; }

function Update() { if (Input.GetKey("d")) { animation["Run"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animation.Play("Run");

} else{ if (Input.GetKeyUp("d")) animation.Stop(); animation["Idle"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; }

if (Input.GetKey("a")){ animation["Run"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animation.Play ("Run"); } else{ if (Input.GetKeyUp("a")) animation.Stop(); animation.CrossFade ("Idle");


if (Input.GetKey("right")) { animation["Run"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animation.Play("Run");

} else{ if (Input.GetKeyUp("right")) animation.Stop(); animation["Idle"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; }

if (Input.GetKey("left")){ animation["Run"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animation.Play ("Run"); } else{ if (Input.GetKeyUp("left")) animation.Stop(); animation.CrossFade ("Idle");


if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { animation.CrossFade("Jump"); } else{ animation.CrossFade("Idle"); }

} Don't know if this will help?