Problem of jerking with the FreeLookCam script of Unity.

Hello everyone ! I’m actually making a 3D roller ball game, i use the prefab which is used in the RollerBall scene from the sample scene by Unity, but I have a problem with the Script “FreelookCam” from the standard asset, when my ball is on a moving platform, my camera jerk, i tried to change Update Type to “LateUpdate” like this: 57147-freelookcamlateupdate.png

That actually stop the jerk on my camera when i’m on my moving platform, but now anywhere I move my ball my camera jerk.

I tried to change directly in the script “protected void Update()” to “protected void LateUpdate” but it did not change anything.

So if anyone have a solution for stop the jerk from my camera when i’m on a moving platform it would be really cool.

change the " Field of view" of camera in camera settings …