We reference (and include) several specific DLLs from our main DLLs in our project. When updating to Unity 2021.2 Beta, we experience the error message:
Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll" included or the current platform
And the same problem with several other (Microsoft) DLLs. It seems, the included “Searcher” package in Unity has been updated in 2021.2, and now included and references several specific DLLs (in a specific version that are different from our versions).
Am I the only one who thinks Unity Packages that can’t be removed (and are like “Searcher” Editor only) should never include any DLLs that could interfer and be incompoatible with User code/DLLs?
I encountered a similar problem.
MessagePack for C# can not resolve Unsafe.dll references.
Previously, com.unity.collections was causing the same problem.
This has been resolved with the removal of ManagedDLL in 0.11.0.
With the current UPM mechanism, official Unity libraries should not use managed DLLs.
Have you not shared information about the previous issue?
Anyway, please remove it immediately.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention,
we are working on a fix to remove the dependency to Lucene in the searcher package as soon as possible.
Sorry about the inconvenience.
Hello, good news, the fix will be part of the very next 2021.2 beta release.
Unfortunately I can’t say the same about 2022.1, I’m in contact with the dev working on this and will try to update you as soon as I hear about their fix landing.
Hey, is this fixed in beta14 yet? If it is, it’s still not working 0_0
And there is not even a release note on beta 14…
error CS0433: The type 'ReadOnlySpan<T>' exists in both 'System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' and 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'
I’ve just upgraded to b14 and this issue is still occuring, same error as above:
error CS0433: The type 'ReadOnlySpan<T>' exists in both 'System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' and 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'
I was really hoping this’d be resolved in b14, I have not been able to upgrade from b8 due to this issue.
A temporary work around for anyone having this issue still and would like to continue working:
Move “Library/PackageCache/com.unity.searcher@4.8.0” into “Packages/com.unity.searcher@4.8.0”
Delete System.Memory and System.Buffers from “com.unity.searcher@4.8.0\Editor\Lucene”
This is obviously not feasible for a large team, but if you’re working on your own or in a small team it should suffice as a temporary fix if you need to upgrade (ignore in source control, have each dev do the above steps locally).
This has been an issue for at least the last 6 2021.2 beta releases. Please update the Searcher package and fix this issue.