Problem publishing an asset to unity asset store

I’m trying to post my first asset on the unity store, but I’m already having a headache. Whenever they reject my asset, the following recommendation comes up (“Assets in your package derived from project template assets should be assigned a new GUID and be located under a different path. This is to minimize the risk of users accidentally overwriting their own assets when importing your package. Commonly used example asset: ‘Assets/Scenes/SampleScene. unity’”). I changed directories and nothing, only later I noticed that I have to change ALL the names of my package, and I have to manually change ALL the GUIDS of my project in the .meta files.

This is my first time posting an asset to the Unity store. Will I have to change all the names every time the asset is rejected to be included for review? What if I have a very large asset? Please, I just want to understand. Can someone help me?

I dont think its ALL guids, I think its like it says, those that come from other packages, so like if you import textmesh pro samples, or the original sample scene etc. Its only those, and yes, they like it to be in a format of under assets being in a subfolder of like \myassets, so its all in one folder and that you wont overwrite anyone elses stuff

Does it only work if I create the myAssets folder (Assets\myAssets) before I start working on the project? Because I created this folder after the project was completely ready and still got the same rejection message from the unity asset store team

when you make it shouldnt matter, the only bit that should matter is before you package it should all be in the folder, and any supplied stuff like sample scene get a new GUID

Thank you very much, you helped a lot