Problem rendering bush as expected (as 2D sprite in 3D scene)

I’m trying to create some bushes as Minecraft does (my future game won’t be a minecraft clone), I mean I want to create 3D scenario based on 2D sprites, then my bushes suppose to be rendered as following picture shows:

I’m saving this texture as PNG-24 and the texture has no filter mode in Unity (to be without AA and mostly close to pixel-art).

For the result in a 3D scene I’m trying to render it using a 3D plane object and a sprite sharder like the picture below shows:

Unfortunately this is the most close result I got from what I expected:

I have tried other shaders but none of them got me the result that I need. What is the best way to handle this situation? What I’m missing to approach that correctly?


It would help if you posted the inspector texture import settings, but I’d guess you need to select Point filtering and disable mipmaps.

Thank you, @tanoshimi I figured out how to make it works and I still not sure how to disable mini maps (I don’t even know what is it for). On texture inspector I have changed it’s type to Sprite and keep the shader rendering as Sprite as well. Now I have: