Problem Restart Time by Key

Hi! My script work time but getkey “G” to reload time “Restart” is doesn’t work, You can check my script what’s wrong? Thanks!

private var startTime;
private var restartime;
private var restSeconds : int;
private var roundedRestSeconds : int;
private var displaySeconds : int;
private var displayMinutes : int;

var countDownSeconds : int;

function Awake() {
    startTime = Time.time * restartime;

function OnGUI () {
    var guiTime = Time.time - startTime;

    restSeconds = countDownSeconds - (guiTime);
    if (restSeconds == 60) {
        print ("One Minute Left");
    if (restSeconds == 1790) {


    roundedRestSeconds = Mathf.CeilToInt(restSeconds);
    displaySeconds = roundedRestSeconds % 60;
    displayMinutes = roundedRestSeconds / 60; 

    text = String.Format ("{0:00}:{1:00}", displayMinutes, displaySeconds); 
    GUI.Label (Rect (125,Screen.height - 75,135,20), text);

function Fixed() {
   if (Input.GetKeyDown("g")) {
   restartime = 1800;

Why don’t you just do it with something like this :

#pragma strict

var theTimer : float = 0.0;
var theStartTime : float = 120.0;

function Start() 
    theTimer = theStartTime;

function Update() 
    theTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

    if ( parseInt(theTimer) == 60) 
        Debug.Log("One Minute Left");

    if (theTimer <= 0) 
        Debug.Log("OUT OF TIME");
        theTimer = 0;

    if ( Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.G) )
        theTimer = theStartTime;

function OnGUI() 
    var text : String = String.Format ( "{0:00}:{1:00}", parseInt( theTimer / 60.0 ), parseInt( theTimer % 60.0 ) ); 

    GUI.Label( Rect( 125, Screen.height - 75, 135, 20), text );

Again doesn’t work
private var startTime;
private var restartime;
private var restSeconds : int;
private var roundedRestSeconds : int;
private var displaySeconds : int;
private var displayMinutes : int;

var countDownSeconds : int;

function OnGUI () {
    var guiTime = Time.time - startTime;

 Debug.Log(startTime + "Resetting"+Time.time);
    restSeconds = countDownSeconds - (guiTime);
    if (restSeconds == 60) {
    if (restSeconds == 1790) {

    roundedRestSeconds = Mathf.CeilToInt(restSeconds);
    displaySeconds = roundedRestSeconds % 60;
    displayMinutes = roundedRestSeconds / 60; 

    text = String.Format ("{0:00}:{1:00}", displayMinutes, displaySeconds); 
    GUI.Label (Rect (125,Screen.height - 75,135,20), text);

function Update() { 
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("g")) { 
        restartime = 1800; 

Please help!..