Problem setting up an array with a size determined by a variable

I've set up an array to manage the bullets in my game. I want the amount of bullets to be varied by `amountOfBullets`.

Unity tells me that "An instance of type 'bulletManager' (which is the name of the script) is needed to access non-static type 'amountOfBullets'."

How do I get the arrays to be the size that i want, based on 'amountOfBullets'?

#pragma strict
// Initialise Bullets and put them in an array, along with their scripts
var bullet : GameObject;
var amountOfBullets : int = 60;
static var bullets : GameObject[] = new GameObject[amountOfBullets];
static var bulletScripts : shotScript[] = new shotScript[amountOfBullets];

The error you're getting has nothing to do with the arrays, you just need to make your "amountOfBullets" variable static.

Well you have a couple of options. You could make amountOfBullets static, but I'm assuming you want it to be editable in the inspector. Another option is to delay instantiating bullets/bulletScripts until the first time bulletManager is called. I.e. do something like this:

function Awake()
    if( bullets == null )
        bullets = new GameObject[ amountOfBullets ];

Probably a better option is to not make bullets and bulletScripts static and instead use the singleton pattern to access your bullets and bulletScripts variables.