Problem starting the game with a key

Hello everyone, I have a problem. I created a script so that my game would start when I pressed the X key and everything was fine, but I don’t know what moved it and now it doesn’t work, the game simply starts when I press play, I already checked the code and I see it. ok as it is supposed to work if someone can help me i appreciate it

This is my code

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject menuPrincipal;
public GameObject menuGameOver;

public float velocidad = 2;
public GameObject col;
public GameObject piedra1;
public GameObject aleteo;
public GameObject aleteo2;
public Renderer fondo;
public bool gameOver = false;
public bool start = false;

public List<GameObject> cols;
public List<GameObject> obstaculos;
public List<GameObject> volador;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
    // Crear Mapa
    for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
        cols.Add(Instantiate(col, new Vector2(-8 + i, -5), Quaternion.identity));

    // Crear Piedras
    obstaculos.Add(Instantiate(piedra1, new Vector2(-3, -3), Quaternion.identity));
    obstaculos.Add(Instantiate(aleteo, new Vector2(5, -3), Quaternion.identity));
    volador.Add(Instantiate(aleteo2, new Vector2(14, -1.6f), Quaternion.identity));

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    if (start == false) 
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) 
            start = true;

    if (start == true && gameOver == true)
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))

    if (start == true && gameOver == false) 
        fondo.material.mainTextureOffset = fondo.material.mainTextureOffset + new Vector2(0.05f, 0) * Time.deltaTime;

        // Mover Mapa
        for (int i = 0; i < cols.Count; i++)
            if (cols*.transform.position.x <= -10)*

cols*.transform.position = new Vector3(10, -5, 0);*
cols.transform.position = cols_.transform.position + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime * velocidad;
// Mover Obstaculos
for (int i = 0; i < obstaculos.Count; i++)
if (obstaculos*.transform.position.x <= -10)*
float randomObs = Random.Range(11, 18);
obstaculos*.transform.position = new Vector3(randomObs, -3, 0);*
obstaculos.transform.position = obstaculos.transform.position + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime * velocidad;
for (int i = 0; i < volador.Count; i++)
if (volador*.transform.position.x <= -10)*
float randomObs = Random.Range(11, 18);
volador*.transform.position = new Vector3(randomObs, -1.6f, 0);*
volador.transform.position = volador.transform.position + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime * velocidad;

Make sure you have clicked on your game view (Selected it), as this can cause cause the problem sometimes…
Also try using Input.GetKeyDown("x") instead of Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)