Problem Throwing Ball in 2.5D

I have a 2.5D background and I have to throw a ball. Ball have to go towards screen.

As It’s 2.5D so what I have did so far:

(Note: There’s a specific distance ball can cover)

Technique no 1: I applied force upward and meanwhile changing scale of ball to look like It’s going towards screen. I faced No jerks, ball went up and came back smoothly but what I did face is ball move too slow. I have to move it fast but when I increase Force It goes beyond a specific distance.

public void Throw (float speed)
    rigidbody2D.isKinematic = false;
    rigidbody2D.AddForce(Vector2.up * speed, ForceMode2D.Impulse);

    t = 0;
    InvokeRepeating("scaleDown", 0, 1f / 60f);

    prevJumpValue = transform.localPosition.y;
    InvokeRepeating("FindMidOfThrow", 0.1f, 1f / 60f);

// Adjusting Z value by adjusting scale of throwing item
private float t = 0;
void scaleDown() 
    t += Time.deltaTime * 0.4f;
    float scale = Mathf.Lerp(1f, Constants.MIN_THROWING_ITEM_SCALE, t);
    transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
    if (scale == Constants.MIN_THROWING_ITEM_SCALE)

private float prevJumpValue;
void FindMidOfThrow()
    // If Y is still increasing then it's getting high, record the value
    if (transform.localPosition.y > prevJumpValue)
        prevJumpValue = transform.localPosition.y;
    // If It's mid of throw
        // Stop finding it already ;)

        // Turn on its collider so that it can land on platform
        GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>().isTrigger = false;

Technique No 2: I manually handled transform of ball but at that specific height when ball have to come back to platform, I face a clear Jurk

Vector2 from = new Vector2(fromXVal, -2.2f);
Vector2 to = new Vector2(xVal, 1.7f);

float cosVal = (Mathf.Cos(currentTime / duration) + 1) / 2;
currentTime += Time.deltaTime;
transform.l![41434-untitled1.png|934x611](upload://hyimKN5eceaW4YldYrzdT8a6mbe.png)ocalPosition = Vector3.Lerp(to, from, cosVal);

Technique No 3: I manually handled velocity and I face the same Jurk when ball has to come back after a specific height

rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(xVal, force);

Can Anybody please help how can I achieve this. Thanks in advance

Firstly, I appreciate you for posting the complete detail of your question!!!

After reading your question, I get to know the point, you should try on first technique by increasing the force while the ball is going upward and gravity while the ball is going downward. I hope this will remove the slow motion when ball is going downward.

Hope for the best