Erm i am having an issue with the point and spotlight using the realtime GI. It is like the GI goes through static objects. I am having some pictures to show the problem. The problem does not occure with directional lightning.!(http://[
Realtime GI with spottlight
Realtime GI with pointlight. Its like the GI does not collide with anything.
Baked GI with the same pointlight, this is more how the realtime GI should be looking.
This should be a known issue but i really cant find anything about it. So i would be happy like a little child getting a present for cristmas if you could help me here.](
Can you then tell me how to just upload a image because I dont think thats an option. I know emissive materials works great and that you can reduce the range of the spot, but in my project neither of these options can be used.
At the bottom of the area where you post, there are 3 buttons, the middle one is upload a file.
Why can’t those options be used? You kind of don’t have a choice, either wait till they fix it, or do it a different way. In the attached images, the first one is a point light, the second an emissive materials. I dont know what your trying to do, but either of those would work for me.
Its for moving lights like the light from a moving fairy or a flashlight. Ill just be patient. The game can survive without, but it could be nice with the effects. And thanks for hint with upload a file Its been some years since i was here. Finally got some time to make some projects.
I guess i could messure the distance to where the spotlight should stop with a simple raycast. Its still not a great solution since i would have to chance the intensity of the light to make it look brighter the closer to a wall it gets. It could maybe work i give it a try.