Problem using yield and IEnumerator in a custom function

I am trying to get the following working, with some modifications, and in C#:

The code works when its in the Start function, however I would like to load a few files in sequence, so moved the code to its own function, and that’s when it stopped working:

    void Start()
        //StartCoroutine( readPlayerData(dataUrl));

    private IEnumerator readPlayerData(string dataUrl)
        string playName = "Player 1";
        int score = -1;

        // Create a form object for sending data to the server
        var form = new WWWForm();
        // Assuming the script manages for different games
        form.AddField("game", "MyGameName");
        // The idof the player 
        form.AddField("id", playerObject.myID);
        // The score
        form.AddField("score", score);

        // Create a download object
        WWW downloadW = new WWW(dataUrl, form);

        // Wait until the download is done
        yield return downloadW;

        if (downloadW.error != null)
            Debug.Log("Error downloading: " + downloadW.error);
            // show the data
            Debug.Log("DATA: " + downloadW.text);

I would guess it has something to do with the yield and IEnumerator code… The code runs, but it seems to just stop indefinitely when it gets to the yield, and doesn’t even time-out…

Ideally I would like to call the function multiple times using the StartCoroutine, but I think getting the above to work first would be logical.

Maybe its just some basic C# knowledge that I am missing, so any help would be appretiated.

You have to use StartCoroutine in C# or it’s just run as a normal function and yields won’t work.

Ok cheers, that helps, in that case I was having problems using StartCoroutine, anyway its all sorted now, so thank you.