Hi! I have a enemy “dad” that instantiates other enemy “child” in a specific point, my problem is… i assign the “player” prefab to target variable in the enemy that is going to be instantiated, but this enemy prefab do target to the original position of the player prefab was create, (for example, target to “0,2.5,0”). I have another enemy that is not instantiated, is from the beginning in the scene and work fine, where is the problem? Thanks
Can you post the code you are using?
You say " i assign the “player” prefab to target variable" but… a prefab is not a real object in the scene, as it name says is pre-fabricated, is not real yet, is not instantiated in the scene. You need to assign as target to follow a real instantiated object in the scene (you can find it, assign via script, assign via inspector… som any ways, but a created object!)
As said, please postr your code to see what are you trying to do!