Problem when updating and changing the installation location

I get the following errors

C:/Users/�嬥�/AppData/Local/Unity/cache/packages/,56): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Collaboration.ICollabHistoryWindow’ is inaccessible due to its protection level

C:/Users/�嬥�/AppData/Local/Unity/cache/packages/,42): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `SubToolbar’ could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

C:/Users/�嬥�/AppData/Local/Unity/cache/packages/,42): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Web.WebViewEditorStaticWindow’ is inaccessible due to its protection level

and so on.

I have installed Unity 2018.2.7f1 (64-bit)

Previously, the installation was on drive C

I changed the cache location to another location. Why is he climbing here C:/Users/�嬥�/AppData/Local/Unity/cache?

Also does not recognize Cyrillic symbols as I understood, hello to the inhabitants of the CIS countries - �嬥�

I’ll also note that I tried to install 2018.3 before - it was painful. How can I repair it now?

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Same problem here, it’s due to that painful installation of 2018.3. Still haven’t found a solution. Maybe someone from Unity developers could help? Would be great… my work is frozen ;//

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I’ve just sent bug report to Unity. Hope they give us some workaround :slight_smile:

I confirm problem happens because of 2018.3… Had to revert our game to 2018.2.


Still no solution for this ? I’ve got the same issue and delete Library folder and revert to 2018.2 didn’t help.

I was helped to create a new project and transfer all the files there.


Getting same issue after updating project via git… any solutions?

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I was helped to create a new project and transfer all the files there.

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Hi guys, get the same error after instaling 2018.3/
And I found the fix - just create new project and copypaste manifest.json from NewProject/Packages to you project.
It works!


Just a heads up to anyone being the brave pioneer using the latest betas (I’ve had to learn it the hard way a few times in the past), zip and backup your projects prior to jumping to the latest version of Unity. In more than one occasion has it mangled my project beyond repair. In this case I’ve ran into the same problems as well. I have attached the log for any Unity staff trying to solve the errors. I have a hunch it has to do with all the new features in 2018.3 that aren’t backwards translatable to 2018.2 (ie. Nested prefabs) as I would think you would need to update 2018.2 somehow to be able to handle and recompose nested prefabs as standalone prefabs some how, which sounds like a headache of its own.

Also in my scenario, I had committed some updates after using the beta, and it seems you can’t cull commits on collaborate (or I’ve yet to find out how). I ended up pulling the latest version of the project committed using the beta back into 2018.2 and it shows the same errors you guys have and then I replaced the files in the branch with my backup copy prior to jumping to 2018.3. However after opening the project again, it still wants to pull the new commits from 2018.3. The timestamp is not updated to being further than the latest commit.

I will keep poking to see how to restore this.

3788545–317713–Unity2018_3_to_2018_2.txt (12.8 KB)

I’ve just successfully reverted the commit back to the 2018.2. After pulling all the new 2018.3 commits, overwrite your project folder with your 2018.2 backup with everything EXCEPT:


This will maintain the collaborate timestamp at the latest commit, and you can continue pushing changes in 2018.2.

I hope this helps you guys.

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Just delete the manifest.json in Packages folder.


Thanks! Worked like a charm! :smile:


I have the same issues in Unity 2018.2.14 on Windows 10:

.../Editor/Collab/CollabHistoryWindow.cs(13,56): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Collaboration.ICollabHistoryWindow' is inaccessible due to its protection level
.../Editor/Collab/CollabToolbarButton.cs(11,42): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `SubToolbar' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
.../Editor/Collab/CollabToolbarWindow.cs(26,42): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Web.WebViewEditorStaticWindow' is inaccessible due to its protection level
.../Editor/Collab/CollabHistoryWindow.cs(31,20): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Collaboration.HistoryState' is inaccessible due to its protection level
.../Editor/Collab/CollabHistoryWindow.cs(33,9): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.Collaboration.HistoryState' is inaccessible due to its protection level

/cc @JoshPeterson

works even after restarting unity, thanks!
P.S. This problem apeared when using unity (with git) 2018.3 on one pc and 2018.2 on another.

It works! Thank you very much.

Hi Guys, I am a beginner so do not take my resolution so serious…

I have installed the 2019.1.0a12 version and it worked fine (still showed the same errors but have ignored them not blocking the project). I know it is an test version, but worked fine.

I delete it but still get 50 errors in Unity.

I try to delete AppData cache. Those errors goes away for a sec. After playing the project once, it crash…
The main error it’s complaining is about collab stuff in unity proxy package folder.
It seems like it has problem with using current project with old version unity.

I was using Unity 3.0 and try to change back to Unity 2.2, and I’m using Unity hub to open it.
Do you have any suggestion for it?


Work like a charm when i delete the manifest.json (after shutdown unity)


@pachermann damm you solve my problem like a charm … thanks bro

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