Problem with a succession of rotations

Hi, i did a simple movement player script using character controller. Player rotate of 90 degree on the Y asse, now without smooth effect(i will do in a second moment)
But after 4 or 5 rotates the rotate it becomes more and more inaccurate.

I don’t undestand why.

void Update()
    pController.SimpleMove(pController.transform.forward * forceValue);

public void rotateDX()
    if (isRoteable)
        pController.transform.Rotate(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y - 90, transform.rotation.z, Space.World);
        Debug.Log("Chiama GameOver");

public void rotateSX()
    if (isRoteable)
        pController.transform.Rotate(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y + 90, transform.rotation.z, Space.World);
        Debug.Log("Chiama GameOver");

In the rotate method, you give BY HOW MUCH you want it to rotate.
You are giving it currentAngle + rotationAngle instead of rotationAngle.