Problem with assetbundle and playables

We build our scenes with BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle and the bundles work great on editor and android devices. However when we try to run our bundles on actual iOS devices we run into this problem.
I’m unable to pinpoint what exactly is the issue with playables and a stremed ios scene. The scene works fine on ios devices as a standalone build.

PlayableAsset returned a null Playable on Instantiate

[/Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Director/Module/PlayableDirector.cpp line 283]
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Director/Module/PlayableDirector.cpp Line: 283)

Did you ever figure this out, @nullabl3 ?

This is oldish but doesn’t have a response so here is one:

I had a similar issue, and it turned out that Unity was stripping Playable code from the build because the only scenes using them it were in assetbundles (and thus not included in the build list).

Same as this, I guess, and they say it’s “by design”:

My solution was to add a single dummy playable and use it in a scene which is played within a scene in the build itself. Then magically playables worked in assetbundle scenes again!

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