Newbie coder here. I have a terrain fully made and a camera. The camera is functioning properly. When I switch the camera to orthographic, it renders the terrain perfectly. But when it’s switched to perspective, all that is rendered is a grey space. Any help?
Look at where the camera is located. It’s probably not aimed at the ground, is too close, too far … . It aims pretty much the way you’d think a real camera would. The ortho cam just happens to be a lot easier to aim.
The ortho camera starts out with a giant viewing area, over a solid block right front of the camera. So, if a perspective camera is 1 meter over the terrain, looking down, it will see part of one rock. An ortho camera will magically see a huge slab of ground. If you aim at the ground from 10,000 meters, the ortho cam sees the same big slab, but the perspective now sees the ground as a speck.