I’m having a problem. I’m using the Google Carboard sample project player. Together with CardboardReticlePointer I created a loader for when the target is on top of an interactive game object. Everything was working correctly. But suddenly the Canvas started getting misaligned with respect to the center of the screen, and eye mirroring doesn’t seem to work for the UI. In the editor they are positioned correctly. But after build, they are thrown to the right side. Any game object (Canvas or Mesh) I place child of the Main Player Camera is thrown to the right side. Does anyone have any idea what this is?
loader in editor:
loader in build:
Are you using screen-space or world-space UI for that Teleporte
I’m using World Space. It was working perfectly. But after some changes I made in another part of the application, this problem arose and I can’t find the solution. Even if you redo it from the beginning, the problem still happens. If I add a plane mesh that is a child of the camera, and positioned in the center of the screen, after the build it is also thrown to the corner of the screen.
I think I discovered the problem. It seems that the distance from the Canvas to the camera was causing this wrong position in the build. I was very close to the camera. I needed to move the Canvas a certain distance away to re-center the UI. But I think this could cause a problem in the future, where the Canvas could collide with objects and obscure the view of UI elements. That makes sense?