Problem with Character Slide Animation

I am creating a runner game for android, i have added runner animation which comes after my idle animation. Problem is with slide animation, i downloaded a running slide animation from mixamo. And added to my character in Unity. Everything is working fine, only the problem is with animation. When i am sliding the animation is occuring but my character is moving forward (because its a running slide animation so there is a run thing in animation itself which is making my game forward run and the animation slide run together) and because of this my character slides forward according to the animation and then comes back and runs.

How can i fix this ?

I have the same problem…
I tried root the motion by converting it to humanoid
but then the slide animation stuck when I slide the character…
anyone can help?

so this is a problem i’m having in the latest 2021 LTS of unity I turn off loop time to stop animation form looping
AND nothing changed? i see the animation but it still loops?