Hi guys ( @Adam_Myhill @Gregoryl ),
I’m using Cinemachine 2.5.0 (with the FreeLook component) and I have met an issue with Cinemachine Collider. I use these settings:
The problem is when I rotate the camera so that it gets freed from an obstacle. So let’s say my character stands near a column and I rotate the camera so that the camera isn’t blocked against the column anymore.
What I would expect is for the camera to smoothly slide back to its default distance (while staying in its given axis, like a simple dolly back). What happens instead is that the camera also gets offset sideways (in X) and smoothly regains a lateral offset of zero.
In practice it means I rotate the camera clockwise to “free” it from the obstacle and when I release the gamepad’s left stick the camera starts to “rotate” counter-clockwise (to remove the lateral offset it never should have gotten in the first place). This of course looks completely wrong.
Please note that the orbit rigs themselves are not affected by this undesirable/parasitic camera translation: their axis stays fine. It’s just the camera itself that somehow inherits a weird side translation offset as shown on these pictures:
Here are my FreeLook settings:
Now the thing is this particular behaviour has existed since almost the inception of Cinemachine and I can’t imagine I’d be the first person to use Cinemachine Collider. So I might be doing something wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated…