Problem with code, dont have list and cant fix problem

I have problem with my code, or Unity. I’m just a begginer, please don’t judge me :3
I watched tutorial on youtube, and must stop at moment when creator made a list of fireballs. I dont have option to even add fireballs, because I don’t have list and some bugs in code, which I can’t find and fix. Can you help me with that?
Link to tutorial i watched: (13;35 minute)

Your screenshot appears to show that Visual Studio hasn’t been properly linked with Unity. Doing so won’t solve your problem, but it should prevent lots of headaches moving forwards by properly highlighting errors, coloring code, etc.

This video should help fix that:

Watching tutorials is not the correct way to do them. Two steps to tutorials and / or example code:

  1. do them perfectly, to the letter (zero typos, including punctuation and capitalization)
  2. stop and understand each step to understand what is going on.

If you go past anything that you don’t understand, then you’re just mimicking what you saw without actually learning, essentially wasting your own time. It’s only two steps. Don’t skip either step.

If you make typing mistakes, you will be required to fix them, so don’t make them. See link that Chubzdoomer posted to get Intellisense working.

You can fix your own typing mistakes. Here’s how:

Remember: NOBODY here memorizes error codes. That’s not a thing. The error code is absolutely the least useful part of the error. It serves no purpose at all. Forget the error code. Put it out of your mind.

The complete error message contains everything you need to know to fix the error yourself.

The important parts of the error message are:

  • the description of the error itself (google this; you are NEVER the first one!)
  • the file it occurred in (critical!)
  • the line number and character position (the two numbers in parentheses)
  • also possibly useful is the stack trace (all the lines of text in the lower console window)

Always start with the FIRST error in the console window, as sometimes that error causes or compounds some or all of the subsequent errors. Often the error will be immediately prior to the indicated line, so make sure to check there as well.

Look in the documentation. Every API you attempt to use is probably documented somewhere. Are you using it correctly? Are you spelling it correctly? Are you structuring the syntax correctly? Look for examples!

All of that information is in the actual error message and you must pay attention to it. Learn how to identify it instantly so you don’t have to stop your progress and fiddle around with the forum.

Here’s more on intellisense:

This may help you with intellisense and possibly other Visual Studio integration problems:

Sometimes the fix is as simple as doing Assets → Open C# Project from Unity. Other times it requires more.

Other times it requires you also nuke the userprefs and .vsconfig and other crufty low-value high-hassle files that Visual Studio tends to slowly damage over time, then try the above trick.

Barring all that, move on to other ideas:

Also, try update the package inside of Unity: Window → Package Manager → Search for Visual Studio Editor → Press the Update button

Depending on flavor and version of Visual Studio, it may also have an installation step that you perform within the actual Visual Studio. This step seems finicky at best and may require multiple openings of VS before it comes up.

Update: The VSCode extension has been deprecated and abandoned:

Update: the VSCode integration is back… maybe!?

There may be a community fork available that is receiving updates.

Also, this: No suggestions in Vscode - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Recently (July 2023) I worked on a Windows11 system that required a Microsoft component to be installed from within Visual Studio before it would work properly with all the OTHER software installed under Unity. I have no documentation on that process as I have only seen it once and it surprised me as well.