Problem with collider transform inside coroutine, with collider attached to a bone

Hi folks. I am trying to implement a slider control that can be interacted with using a virtual finger (attached to a hand controlled by a razer hydra).

I’ve simplified here for illustration but basically I want to select a slider/button (sphere) with a finger tip and draw a line between the finger tip and the slider control. I then want to update the line as the hand moves around so it always connects the fingertip and the control.

If I do this in a coroutine CheckControl(), the line is drawn from the slider to an OFFSET position where the fingertip WAS when the scene first starts (i.e. when in T-pose)… if I move the entire humanoid, the line updates but always connects off to the side instead of where the fingertip collider actually is when I move the hands around (as though the collider is parented to the humanoid root bone instead of the finger tip bone). I can see the collider in the correct position on the fingertip in the scene view, but the line does not connect to it.

Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong?


Simplified setup:

  • Rigged humanoid model with IK rig for the arms, which are controlled using hydra controllers
  • Empty object attached to an index finger, with a box collider and a rigidbody (no gravity)
  • A sphere (slider control) that I want to trigger. With a sphere collider and trigger=true
  • Script below attached to the sphere control (trigger)
  • When OnTriggerEnter called, I get a reference to the collider (finger tip) that triggered the sphere and use that in the coroutine (or update) to draw a line between sphere and finger tip


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class SliderTest : MonoBehaviour
    protected LineRenderer m_LineRenderer = null;
    protected Collider m_Collider = null;
    protected bool m_Active = false;

    void Start()
        // create connection line
        m_LineRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
        m_LineRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
        m_LineRenderer.SetWidth(0.01f, 0.01f);

    protected IEnumerator CheckControl()
        while (m_Active)
           Debug.Log("m_Collider.transform.position " + m_Collider.transform.position);

           // draw connection line
           m_LineRenderer.SetPosition(0, m_Collider.transform.position);
           m_LineRenderer.SetPosition(1, transform.position);

           yield return null;

        m_Active = false;

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider obj)
        Debug.Log("Triggered By: " + obj.tag);

        if (!m_Active)
            m_Collider = obj;
            m_Active = true;


After sitting on this problem for days I finally worked out the solution.

I needed to call:

yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();

instead of:

yield return null;

…inside the coroutine. I’m not sure if the behaviour has changed from Unity version 4.4, as it was working previously without the call to WaitForFixedUpdate()

Hope this helps someone!
