Problem with custom character.

I followed this tutorial
But once I have completed the tutorial my character doesn’t animate, well he does but only rotates. He doesn’t move his arms or legs. So I’m assuming it’s down to having all the animations in one file. As I imported animations seperatly and they worked fine.

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to actually set up a custom character in Unity pro?

If you do separate takes for each animation, you don’t have to do the splitting thing. Also, there is no trick to importing characters. If they are rigged and animated properly they just work. So I’m thinking you did something wrong before the file came into unity.

My bad, I get this when I’m exporting from Max

Bump for the picture.

Bump again.

hmm seems like you have a whole host of problems in your export there.
The first one seems to be less of a problem as if I am reading the error right, its continuing to export but doing it differently.

More of a concern, and probably the reason why you are getting problems with the export, is the error about unsupported controllers… which should be fixable by changing your FBX settings to “bake animation” on export.

another thing it is complaining about is that you have additional modifiers above your skin stack… which could also be causing problems. Ideally on export the only thing you would have/need in your stack is an edit poly/mesh and above that the skin modifier

How do I bake animations? I can’t see the option when exporting.