Problem with custom package.

Hello. I just started to learn with unity. I purchased a game from codecanyon but when i open it on unity hub can’t see any folder in custom package? Is it because of 2017 game or another problem?

In your Unity project, go to Assets → Import Package → Custom Package

Then navigate to folder and select the asset.

Once you have downloaded your assets, they can be found in the following locations:

Please note: These folders are hidden by default
Windows - User>AppData>Roaming>Unity> Asset Store
Mac - User>Library>Unity>Asset Store

Alternatively, go to Window → Asset Store

In the store, search for the Asset you downloaded (you’ll need to log into the Asset store using your Unity account details).

Click the Download or Import button to download the Asset.

Edit: Help Wanted 2020.1.0f1 Has closed the asset store, however can’t download from web also.