Problem with empty scene ...

Hello guys , i wanted to advance in my project and i open it but my scene is empty ( i save all my work yesterday), but i keep all of my script , etc … but my scene and gameobject not appear … i don’t understand why , i really lose all of my work ? please response fast i’m so sad … )=

i need a response guys , i take around 10-15 hours to do that … i have all script , import package etc on my project but only main camera and directional light on scene , explain me why please …

Did you open the scene you saved? Or just open unity? It will usually start with an empty scene.

nop i open my project direct with unity but i select my project . And when i open project scene is empty .

Yes it will be. You need to open your scene that you saved.

But where is the scene when i save her ?

It will be some where in your assets folder. Look through your project window for an icon with the unity logo on it.

hmm i found it but when i click on the scene i saved that open unity4 with another project , why ?