Problem with Face Cap action FBX import

I have modelled my characters in Blender with FaceIt to get the standard 52 ARkit facial blendshapes. Face Cap , FacialMotion 3d and Rokoko face capture all do a decent job of capturing facial performance and I can live stream my character face action in unity using the Rokoko Studio Live plug in…but I cannot import a recorded FBX file from any of these onto my Unity-humanoid rigged character…can anyone else ? The Rokoko support team says they don’t have anyway to make a Unity ‘humanoid’ readable fbx of just the face capture yet. I am trying now to see if some combination of retargeting my animation through Auto Rig Pro in blender and avatar masks in Unity might do it but so far I have not succeeded. Has anyone found a tool for this? I am not a programmer but I have used Unity to make films. Here is my latest, all 3D animated in Unity;
Thanks, Woodyy

I’m struggling with that too. Currently, I can’t apply my face cap’s FBX recordings on my models in Unity either.