problem with fog not working for android in unity 4.x

Hy Everyone i need help with android game in unity 4.x

Problem is this Fog not working on android device, but in unity editor fog working well.

any solution please help me i will be very thankful to you.

Was this problem resolved? I am using a galaxy S2. And see the same effect. All looks fine in the editor, but in the game scene some close objects appear foggy while the same object is bright when far away in the scene on the device. However I use the same prefab and fog settings in the menu scene where the fog works perfectly.

The only difference is that I instantiate the objects with different scripts between the scenes. Which is weird because the only difference in the script is in the menu scene I move the object automatically, yet in the game scene the object move as the player moves… This is really confusing me. Any advice?