Problem with GoogleVR in iOS


I’m using Unity 2017.3.0f3 and Xcode 9.2. My project uses GoogleVR. When I was using Unity 2017.2 running my game on my iPhone was great but after upgrading to Unity 2017.3 I have a big issue. The game doesn’t fill the full screen as shown in the image below. In Xcode have the following error:

Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIApplication delegate]

In Android is working well.
Can someone help me with this?


I have same issue, I saw many people started having this issue. It is either Problem occurs from either XCode or Unity, There is a issue tracker, it seems a fix is on the way, but who knows how long ?

It seems that, Unity released a patch version today ( 12 Jan ) , they fixed the issue, need to test it!

  • (956318) (57809) - iOS: Fixed trampoline calling UI methods ([UIApplication delegate]) from a background thread.