Problem with GUI Buttons with WorldSpace Canvas

Hi there!I have a problem that the GUI Buttons dont work or react if i click on them. The Canvas is in World Space, because i want to drop the GUI on a keypad model. I have tried several things now, but the buttons dont react. i give you the screens of my settings and my testcode. any ideas? Thank you!

Maybe something is hiding the raycast?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace FPSHorror
	public class Keypad : MonoBehaviour
		public string correctPassword;
		private string passwordInput;

		//Buttons and Numbers for Keypad
		public Button ButtonOneUp;
		public Button ButtonTwoUp;
		public Button ButtonThreeUp;
		public Button ButtonFourUp;
		public Button ButtonOneDown;
		public Button ButtonTwoDown;
		public Button ButtonThreeDown;
		public Button ButtonFourDown;

		private int numberOne;
		private int numberTwo;
		private int numberThree;
		private int numberFour;

		public Text numberOneText;

		private bool keypadActive = false;

		public Camera mainCam;
		public Camera keypadCam;

		//Initalizing Variables
		private FirstPersonController playerController;
		private GameManager_ToggleCursor toggleCursor;

		// Use this for initialization
		void Start ()
			SetInitialReferences ();

		void SetInitialReferences ()
			playerController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<FirstPersonController> ();
			toggleCursor = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<GameManager_ToggleCursor> ();


		// Update is called once per frame
		void Update ()


		public void MoveCameraToKeypad()
			mainCam.enabled = false;
			playerController.enabled = false;
			gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Default");
			toggleCursor.isCursorlocked = false;
			keypadActive = true;
			keypadCam.enabled = true;

		public void CountNumberOneUp ()
			numberOneText.text = numberOne.ToString ();
			numberOne = numberOne += 1;
			Debug.Log (numberOne);
			print ("Clicked");


World space canvas needs to know what camera is sending it events, did you set the Canvas.worldCamera to your keypadCam?

tanks that helped! i also need to uncheck “Ignore Reserved Graphics” in the “Graphic Raycaster” Component on the Canvas! THX