Problem with Import unity package

Hi everyone,
I am watching unity tutorials and sometimes there are assets exported that we can use. In the video the guy shows how he import it, but in my case I have an error/message that tells me that there is nothing to import.

I am using the latest version of Unity 2017.1.0p5(Mac) and when I try to import package:
Assets → Import package → Custom package

and the result is:

Nothing to Import.
All assets from this package are already in your project.

But that’s not true! In the package there are a lot of things and I haven’t import/add anything of it. So something is wrong. I guess the package is exported from version: Unity 5.6.1f1(Mac)

I searched for this but can’t find an answer to help me. if it’s something because of the version why there is no way to convert it, or to import it?

Thanks in advanced!

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Well, to be honest I didn’t expect no answer in this community for four days.
Anyway, here is the package, hope someone going to have a try for me at least or give me some hits what can I do in this situation.

I tried yesterday Unity3D 5.3.3f1 mac with my game, didn’t work. Tired with empty(new) project and again without success.

3202367–244820– (1.54 MB)

tried importing on 5.3.5f1 and 2017.2.b4, works… (pc)

Well, so what could be wrong with my Unity3D or unity files? Or some kind of caches? Is there a cache folder witch I can delete and try it again? I will try it later on my windows, and now will install 2017.2 for mac to have a try.

Thank you btw for your time and sharing info.

if nothing else works, could try deleting or renaming ‘library/’ folder

Renaming package file helps me. I delete all spaces


Having this problem on Mac right now… using unity 5.5.3p4,
trying to import unitypackages it says:
Nothing to Import.
All assets from this package are already in your project.

works fine with 2017.x.

Tried deleting library folder, creating new project, renaming unitypackage…

package is submitted with 5.3, so it should work (and works fine on pc with the same unity version)

i guess need to try manually copying the imported folder from pc…

*uh oh…this is going to be a long day… if i copy the files manually, the whole folder disappears,

**fine…using 5.6 then…seems to import there normally.

I ran into a similar issue with files disappearing after upgrading to OSX High Sierra.

I’d suggest checking out this thread to make sure you’re running a Unity version that supports High Sierra.


your unity 3d is in play mode that’s why it not import first stop your game play.


This saved me.

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Thank you ! Saved me too!

Still happen in Scene mode also

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I getting bored to try, more than 1 year trying… and 4 unity’s versions

Same problem as always. Why this is not a priority. Is a completely nightmare uninstall Unity.

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I just had this issue today. My fix was to revert the Unity Editor Asset store to the Old Store and download these again before import. Guess it was a bad download cause now all those things that I usually install on a new project are installing just fine now.

Anyone know a fix? I have exactly this issue.

hi just had same problem was downloading with firefox from asset owner site as that is were i got it got same error tryed edge to download it worked fine try a diffrent web browser hope it works for you

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aaahhahahaha! Thanks!!!

Having this unbelievably frustrating bug myself. On Mac. Have deleted, reinstalled, upgraded, and used old asset store. Please for God’s sake, anyone, help?

The file name of the package must be same as package. In my case “Fabric (1).unitypackage” file worked only when I renamed it to “Fabric.unitypackage”

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