I recently purchased playmaker, and with it comes itween. While i really like it, there is one thing i cant get to work: collision detection. For example: Shooting a bullet with a collider using itween, wich i want to hit (for example) an enemy wich also has a collider, and on Collider Enter the enemy should die (or something else).
i tried:
-putting an rigid body with is kinematic checked on one of the objects.
-checking is trigger on one of the objects
-and just using 2 colliders
Note: i use playmaker for scripting
please help me. i was not able to find someone with exactly the same problem
thanks. in tried it but it seems like no collision check works.
not nt trigger enter, not on collission enter, but when using a first person controller on trigger enter does work.
have you got any idea what the problem could be?
i’m running 3.5.5f3.