Problem with Lerp function

Hello everyone, i have a problem that i have never encountered before , for SOME reason, when i call the Lerp function to simply move a gameobject down by a few pixels, it jumps to some random place in space… I have never encountered anything like this before when using Lerp(), anywayz here is my code :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Layer2PlayerAnimatorManager : MonoBehaviour {
	public float Speed = 0.5f;
	public Vector3 targetPos =;
	public bool Move = false;
	public bool moving = false;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.I)) {
			gameObject.GetComponent<AnimatedAlpha> ().alpha = 0f;		

		if (Move) {

	void OnEnable(){
		Messenger<bool>.AddListener ("Skills Button Click", OnMoveToSkills);
		Messenger<bool>.AddListener ("Item Button Click", OnMoveToItems);
		Messenger<bool>.AddListener ("Equipment Button Click", OnMoveToEquipment);

	void OnMoveToSkills(bool b){
		targetPos = new Vector3 (-280, 127, 0);
		Move = true;

	void OnMoveToItems(bool b){
		targetPos = new Vector3 (-280, 96, 0);
		Move = true;

	void OnMoveToEquipment(bool b){
		targetPos = new Vector3 (-280, 158, 0);
		Move = true;

	public IEnumerator MoveFromTo(Vector3 pointA, Vector3 pointB, float time) {
		if (!moving) {                     // Do nothing if already moving
			moving = true;                 // Set flag to true
			float t = 0;
			while (t < 1.0f) {
				t += Time.deltaTime / time; // Sweeps from 0 to 1 in time seconds
				transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (pointA, pointB, t); // Set position proportional to t
				yield return 0;         // Leave the routine and return here in the next frame
			moving = false;             // Finished moving
			Move = false;

I am using c# messenger extended to send a message from a script on one of my buttons ( using NGUI’s OnClick() event ) to start moving the button to the position it should be, however this does not happen

PS. using the coroutine was just my last attempt, i have tried everything, it may be something simple, but i cant seem to find it, any help would be greatly appreciated!

You start a new coroutine every frame while “Move” is true. You set Move to false at the end of your coroutine, that doesn’t make much sense. You probably want to set it to false at the start to prevent multiple instances of your coroutine.

Besides that i don’t see anything wrong here. Are you sure there’s not something else affecting the objects position? Is it maybe a child of another object?