problem with Locomotion when used on our own character

Hello I totally love this locomotion system specially if it works on my own characters. I do have question about using another character instead of the hero character. I went over the tutorial using the hero character and everything worked fine. however when I tried to use the system for my own character which ofcourse is a biped model as well I got the following error when I pressed initialize and got this error:

"AnimationClip "Walk" is missing animation curve for the rotation of the root bone "MainRoot".UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object)"

so if anyone could kindly guide me through setting the system up to avoid having this problem it would be great thank very much in advance cheers

The problem is in the animations. When you import your character you have to select “Rig” and change from “Generic” to “Legacy”. If you do that the animation should work.

I had the same problem and with me it worked.

Good Luck!