Got a bit of a baffling problem I haven’t encountered before, I have a mesh particle system up that seems stretched and blurred out somehow in the game view but in the scene view it’s absolutely fine. When I rotate my camera in the game view it fixes itself so I’m wondering if it’s something to do with how the renderer is behaving, any ideas? If it helps I’m using HDRP I’ve recently started using it as a main part of my projects because of how many good features it has.
I did some more testing and found out that it seems to be an issue with the way I’ve parented the particles to my empties, any ideas? The scale is all the same for the most part so I don’t know why it would behave this wave.
argh it’s definitely connected to the scaling of the top parent, but why? Arghhhh.
Just a small update in case anyone happens on this, I solved the problem by switching to the visual effects graph and using a mesh lit node and linking it to update. The visual effects graph seems to work fine while the shuriken system behaves oddly.
For those who are running into this still (I just did), you can fix this by changing the particle system’s motion vector settings to NOT be “Per Object Motion”
any other setting seems to work fine