Problem with MonoDevelop

Hello people.

This is my problem. I was working fine with Monodevelop until today. when I was going to compile a code the follwing error message came: The Compiler appears to have crashed. Check the build output pad for details. on the output pad heres what it says: Water3.cs(329,54): error CS0241: Cant allow specific default parameters.

and somtimes it says something with not having gtk2# or something like that…

since then I can`t use Monodevelop. With Uniscite everything works fine, but With Monodevelop, nothing compiles, even new projects.

Thank you for your help

I had a similar issue with MonoDevelop before, though it was slightly different- I got some random error that didn’t make sense in the context of my code, then it crashed. When I tried to rerun it, nothing worked correctly.

Ultimately how I fixed it was to reboot my computer. Not sure if MonoDevelop has some sort of service or process that runs in the background or whatever, but after the reboot everything worked fine for me (and I was getting ready to reinstall it, so that saved me some headaches).

I solved it, sorry I changed users, had a problem with the other.

to solve the problem I had to reimport all default assets and then monodevelop started compiling normally.

Addition on case if you got error CS0241 in Monodevelop only, but in Unity all is OK.
Probably MonoDevelop work with .NET runtime which don’t support C# 4.0 by default. (See in MonoDevelop’s main menu Tools\Options\Preferences\.NET Runtimes)

You need to install latest version of Mono. Since Mono 2.8 the support of C# 4.0 is enabled.
In MonoDevelop new runtime item must to appear automatically - set this by default and errors will disappear.

Also make sure to set the target framework correctly by right clicking Assembly-C Sharp-Editor in the Solution View and then choosing options. You’ll find it in the popup menu under Build → General. It was set to 3.5 for me somehow and caused the error.