Problem with multi touch


I am having a problem on multitouch on android , i have a script for buttons and i have 4 buttons , the problem is when pressing a button then pressing another key that first touch stops working , i have searched much and have tried many times but I couldn’t solve this problem , this is my touch script :

	if(Input.touchCount > 0)
		var touch: Touch = Input.touches[1]; 

		if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary &&   guiTexture.HitTest(touch.position))
				guiTexture.color = HoldColor;
		if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && guiTexture.HitTest(touch.position))
				guiTexture.color = NormalColor;

thanks a lot.

Not sure if you fully understand how it works. Touches is an array and you are only querying one element of the array - Input.touches[1];

To work with the array, you need some sort of loop. See doco -

Hope it helps - only a beginner myself.