Having a devil of a time with saving files on Android. I Debug.Log where it thinks it will save:
Debug.Log (“Saving to:”+Application.persistentDataPath+”/myfile.png”);
Application.CaptureScreenshot (Application.persistentDataPath+"/myfile.png");
and it fail to save it, my log says:
Saving to:/data/data/com.mycomp.myapp/files/myfile.png
Failed to open file at path: /data/data/com.mycomp.myapp/data/data/com.mycomp.myapp/files/myfile.png
which is REALLY messed up.
Clearly I should remove the persistentpath from the CaptureScreenshot call, but /data/data? Where’s that?
I have set project player settings to use external file.
This happens on a Droid4 (Android 2.3.6). On Xoom (Android 4.0.4) it saves to mnt/sdcard/com.mycomp.myapp/files/myfile.png just fine.
What’s going on?