Problem with Physic2D.IngoreLayerCollision


Im using Unity 4.3.3 ( I cant use 4.5+ because the paltform I use doesnt support yet).

Im trying to do OneWayPaltform.

I use a trigger to call Physic2D.IngoreLayerCollision to ignore platforms, but if I already colliding with one platforms Unity doesn’t ignore that platform in specific even though the matrix collider show the ignore layers set correctly.

Why this happens??

Seems like you already triggerd on collision enter event

I have two colliders. One is a trigger and it’s on a different layer from the one I’m ignoring. The other one is the one I’m using as the one way platform, and it’s on the OneWayLayer.

So the thing is that the system works if I’m not already colliding with the collider in the OneWayLayer: if I’m touching it, the collision will remain until I stop touching it. After that everything will work normally.

So you’re jumping up and through a platform and trying to land on top of it, is that correct?

Try to break this down into manageable steps