Problem with PlayerHealth and renderer

I have built a playerHealth script and I did when the player loses life, meshrenderer to blink every 1 second but when he receives damage do more than once because when he feels damage and boolean when is activated, I have made is activated and make multiple times instead of a. How can I do to flash as I want? See the code:

var curHealth : int = 70;
var maxHealth : int = 100;
var deadMode = false;
var curProtect = false;
static var damageCost = 10;
function Update () {
    if(curHealth >= maxHealth) {
       curHealth = maxHealth;
    if(curHealth <= 0) {
       curHealth = 0;
       deadMode = true;
    if(curHealth > 0) {
       deadMode = false;
function OnTriggerEnter( other : Collider) {
    if(other.tag == "Enemy" && !curProtect) { 
       curProtect = true;
       curHealth -= damageCost;
function protectedMode() {
    if(curProtect) {
         graphicsSkin = transform.Find("Graphics");
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = false;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = true;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = false;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = true;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = false;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
         graphicsSkin.renderer.enabled = true;
         yield WaitForSeconds(1);
       curProtect = false;


You can use InvokeRepeating(). You can use CancelInvoke() to turn the blinking back off:

#pragma strict

function Start() { 

function BlinkMe() { 
	renderer.enabled = !renderer.enabled;

Note the last parameter to the InvokeRepeating() is the time between invokes. A smaller number will cause your character to blink faster.