I have made an installation at an aguarieum wherein children can scan their drawings of fish/craps/seahorses/u-name-it and they will be brought to life in a 2d/3D world.
i started out trying to build a plugin for unity that had the abbillity to talk with a flatbed scanner
i have had huge success with the twain library and image magick on my raspberry pi but twain is poorly documented sp i switchted to wia ( windows image something lib ) wich works even better.
i was able to get my scanner working direktly from the unity editor and can scan pictures directly into unity there but when i run my standalone it chrashes
the repport tells me that i am missing some dll files ?
so i tried copying them to the data folder but still no luck
now i have build 2 standalones - one for the flatbed scanner and one for the unity game
now it works and the job is done - but i still think a flatbed scanner plugin is a great idea for a lot of things sp i would like to get it finished.
do any of you have experience with buildling plugins ?
do any of you have experience with twain or wia ( twain runs cross platform wich would be cool )
if anyone is interested i kan upload the project - maybe a different set of eyes will do the trick.