problem with raycasts and tags

i’ve created a few cubes to test my shot force…i mean when i wanted when i shot at some object that object move forward by force here’s the scripts

var range = 500;
var shotForce = 100;

function Update()
	var bullet : RaycastHit;
	if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, bullet, range))
		if(bullet.transform.tag == "Map")
			gameObject.FindWithTag("Map").rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(transform.forward * shotForce, bullet.point);

So when i shot object “cube1” with tag “Map” it will move forward by force but when i shot object “cube2” also with tag “Map” , the object “cube1” moves instead of object “cube2”.

You can get the hit collider by looking at the bullet.collider