Ok, this concerns Apple’s Reality Converter, but I thought there are more people using this tool here rather than Apple’s Developer forums!
This wasn’t happening with older versions of Reality Converter… I open a GLTf file created in Cinema 4D and all corners are smoothed, transforming the object’s geometry.
Reality Converter was a very useful tool for quick object testing: save in USDz and a look using iPhone, before integrating into Unity’s own workflow. Unfortunately since this smoothing started happening, this is not usable anymore. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to turn it off? Bug or feature?
I don’t know anything about reality converter personally, but if this is importing into unity with “smoothing” issues, perhaps you need to look into adjusting how unity imports the normals of the model? See this link I found googling “unity import or calculate normals”, Model normals change when importing from Blender to Unity - Game Development Stack Exchange perhaps it could be of help explaining.