The project I’m working on has a sort of 3D model viewer that has been made using a second camera that renders onto a RenderTexture which is in turn applied to a Quad which is in the main camera’s scene. This second camera has it’s Clear Flag set to Solid Color as a fully transparent black color (rgba[0,0,0,0]). The quad’s shader is set to Unlit/Transparent.
The RenderTexture is created with no problems, and it’s background alpha value is 0, meaning the Quad does have a transparent background, which is what I see in the editor window, but when running on an iPad the RenderTexture background is completely opaque and does not blend with the objects behind the quad, leaving a big black rectangle in the scene instead of a cutout of the model like we want.
Is this a bug on iOS or is there something I can do? It works fine on Android.