Problem with setting random values

I have scene where I want to spawn random character to random location with random walking waypoints. I have stripped these scripts so it would be easier to read.

Waypoints are stored in waypointmanager. Only parent transform will be stored. Here are the possible walking routes for character:

public class waypointManager : MonoBehaviour

    #region Singleton

    public static waypointManager instance;


    private void Awake()
        instance = this;

    public GameObject _waypointManager;

    public Transform waypoints1;
    public Transform waypoints2;
    public Transform waypoints3;
    public Transform waypoints4;
    public Transform waypoints5;

Waypoints are controlled in another script. This is very stripped script but here is the most important parts:

public class civilanController : MonoBehaviour
        // create npc waypoints
        public List<Transform> waypointsCreated = new List<Transform>(); //waypointlist
        private Transform targetWaypoint;
        private int targetwaypointIndex = 0;
        private float lastwaypointIndex;

    void Update()
        //make waypointloop for endless walking
        lastwaypointIndex = waypointsCreated.Count - 1;
        targetWaypoint = waypointsCreated[targetwaypointIndex]; //this is the line where error comes

Spawning these characters are in another script which is where I think the main problem is, even though console says error is in controller script.

public class inventoryBehaviour : MonoBehaviour

    public Transform[] spawnPoints;
    Transform waypointmanager1;
    Transform waypointmanager2;
    Transform waypointmanager3;
    Transform waypointmanager4;
    Transform waypointmanager5;

    void Start()

        waypointmanager1 = waypointManager.instance.waypoints1.transform;
        waypointmanager2 = waypointManager.instance.waypoints2.transform;
        waypointmanager3 = waypointManager.instance.waypoints3.transform;
        waypointmanager4 = waypointManager.instance.waypoints4.transform;
        waypointmanager5 = waypointManager.instance.waypoints5.transform;

    void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))


    void Countprefabs()

        for (int c = 0; c < inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians.Count; c++)
            if (inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians[c].activeInHierarchy == false)

                Transform randomTarget = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)]; //store random spawnpoint
                //This one doesnt work either
                /* spawnPoints[0] = waypointmanager1.GetChild(0);
                 spawnPoints[1] = waypointmanager2.GetChild(0);
                 spawnPoints[2] = waypointmanager3.GetChild(0);
                 spawnPoints[3] = waypointmanager4.GetChild(0);
                 spawnPoints[4] = waypointmanager5.GetChild(0);
                 int spawnPointIndex = Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length); */

                inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians[c].transform.position = randomTarget.position; //get random spawnpoint
                inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians[c].transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
                inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians.Remove(inventoryManager.instance.inventoryList_civilians[c]); //remove from the list

                if (randomTarget == spawnPoints[0]) // if random spawnpoint is first of the spawnpoint list, make it match with wpmanager1

                    foreach (Transform wp1 in waypointmanager1) //goes through the list

                if (randomTarget == spawnPoints[1])

                    foreach (Transform wp2 in waypointmanager2)

                if (randomTarget == spawnPoints[2])

                    foreach (Transform wp3 in waypointmanager3)

                if (randomTarget == spawnPoints[3])

                    foreach (Transform wp4 in waypointmanager4)

                if (randomTarget == spawnPoints[4])

                    foreach (Transform wp5 in waypointmanager5)





Here is the error message: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection parameter name:index
I do know what that error indicates, but don’t know why this isn’t working.

Did you set the size of the array? And side your array is public why don’t you just drag and drop the point itself into it? Would be easier don’t it

Thanks for answering. I got it now after days of struggling. Of course this line should be called last after the waypoints are assigned:
