Problem with some simple maths

Hey all, I’m having some problems with my maths.

Here’s the code, pretty straight forward. This is probably one of those facepalm moments

var Lives : float = 3;

function Start() {

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
	if(other.tag == "Finish"){
		MinusLives ();

function MinusLives () {
	Lives = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Lives");
	Lives = Lives - 1;    //I've also tried "Lives -= 1" here

function OnGUI () {
	GUI.Box (new Rect ((Screen.width / 2), 5, 100, 20), "Lives: " +Lives);

My problem is: the number of lives isnt going down from 3 to 2, but from 3 to -1, and then will decrease normally.

Any help? I really don’t know why it’s doing this

Thanks in advance, Geko_X

PS: I’ve also tried using ints instead of floats.

Looked like it should work to me, so I played around with your script. It works fine… so long as the triggered objects hit a single collider. When I made an object with compound collider’s on it (multiple primitives) , with some of them overlapping, when the triggered object ran through an overlap it counted down a life for EACH collider it ran through, but only counted down One life when it didn’t run through an overlap. Do you have multiple collider’s on the object which has this script attached?