Problem with spawning at a random point

Hey all,

I have a problem with some random spawning of game objects. I wish to spawn an exit in a randomly created dungeon, but I think my code has an infinite loop somewhere, as Unity freezes when the code is ran. At the moment, the “exit” is just an empty Game Object with a point light attached (so I can easily see it).

var ExitPiece : GameObject	//The GO used for the exit. Its just a pointlight at the moment
var DungeonSizeX : int = 3;	//The length the dungeon will be, measured in spawned pieces
var DungeonSizeY : int = 3;	//The width the dungeon will be, measured in spawned pieces
var PartSize : int = 4		//The dimensions (length and width) of the pieces that are used, measured in Unity units

function GenerateExit () {
	Debug.Log("Creating exit");
	var SpawnedExit : boolean = false;
		P1 = Random.Range(0, DungeonSizeX*PartSize);
		P2 = Random.Range(0, DungeonSizeY*PartSize);
		ExitPoint = Vector3(P1, 1.25, P2);
		hit = RaycastHit;
		//Casts a ray at the ExitPoint. If the ray hits something, the exit isnt created
		if(!Physics.OverlapSphere(ExitPoint, 1f)){
			Instantiate(ExitPiece, ExitPoint, Quaternion.identity);
			SpawnedExit = true;
			Debug.Log("Exit created at point: " +(ExitPoint.ToString()));
			Debug.LogError("Exit creation failed");

The code to create the dungeons is here, and this function is called after after GenerateWall.

The pieces I’m using are all 2.5units tall, and 4 units wide, so the overlapSphere should be able to find a place to spawn the exit. I’ve tried reducing the radius, but Unity still freezes.

Any help?

The usual way to run a “try until I get it” loop is to use an extra var for number of tries. If you try some insane number of times, it must not be possible.

Also, say you have 10 tiles, 4 wide. Instead of rolling 0 to 40, you really want to roll tile 0-9 and then try the location of the center of that tile. To get the center of a tile, add width for all previous tiles, then 1/2width to get to the center of that one:

int tries=0;
bool done=false;
while(!done && tries<1000) {
  P1 = Random.Range(0, DungeonSizeX); // roll the square# 0-9
  // convert square# into position on map, center of square:
  P1 = P1 * PartSize + PartSize/2.0;
if(!done) Debug.Log("can't find exit. Make new dungeon.");

But, as mentioned above, a better solution is to look in the array making it, instead of the 3D map created from the array.