I made the plane to work with mesh vertices
var plane = new Plane(
If the object has the uniform scale then all looks good
but otherwise the plane normal has weird angle and I don’t understand why.
with.InverseTransformVector even worser. The angle goes 2 times bigger
Blue line - my plane
Green spheres - plane intersections
white sphere - plane center
There is code to reproduce
Place component to default cube in zero position, rotate it with Y != 0, scale ONE horizontal dimesion. You will see onesided plane.
using UnityEngine;
public class PlaceOnCube : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 PlaneOrigin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 PlaneNormal = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.DrawSphere(PlaneOrigin, .03f);
var plane = new Plane(
private void ReGeneratePlane(Plane plane)
var meshfilter = transform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
var mesh = meshfilter.mesh;
var tris = mesh.triangles;
var verts = mesh.vertices;
var newTris = new int[36 + 6];
var newVerts = new Vector3[24 + 4];
for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
newVerts[j] = verts[j];
newVerts[24] = plane.ClosestPointOnPlane(new Vector3(-2, -1, 0));
newVerts[25] = plane.ClosestPointOnPlane(new Vector3(2, -1, 0));
newVerts[26] = plane.ClosestPointOnPlane(new Vector3(-2, 1, 0));
newVerts[27] = plane.ClosestPointOnPlane(new Vector3(2, 1, 0));
for (int j = 0; j < tris.Length; j++)
newTris[j] = tris[j];
newTris[36] = 24;
newTris[37] = 26;
newTris[38] = 25;
newTris[39] = 26;
newTris[40] = 27;
newTris[41] = 25;
mesh.vertices = newVerts;
mesh.triangles = newTris;
meshfilter.mesh = mesh;