Problem with transform.Rotate

Hi everybody, im trying to meve an object. ill be more specific. i have a sphere that turns around while i press the fire button and drag the mouse around the screen, everithing works perfectly but after a wile when my sphere is fully rotated, the axis are changed so when i try to rotate on y axis the rotation goes wrong, at least not as i spect. im using

mundo.transform.Rotate(Vector3(Input.GetAxis(“Mouse Y”)(0.5), Input.GetAxis(“Mouse X”)(-0.5), 0), Space.Self);

I would like to keep the axis in the rigth position or at leas keep my rotation straigh i mean, when i drag the mouse left to rigth the sphere rotating on y and up to down, on X. and yes, sorry, english its not my native language.

Use AddForce() instead… it will give you the required output by not messing with your rotational axises…