Okay, so I have a two huge problem. I created a character in unity out of cubes (much like a minecraft character). The picture is below. I would like to use this as my player. The first problem is that i have multiple different versions of him, and i would not like to animate each one separately (Thank God for Mecanim). I can’t figure out how to rig/animate him. Second when i use the first person controller, it wont move. Thank you for your time in advance.
In order to have it move along with the character controller, you should attach it as a child to the character controller gameobject. Also, you should have all of the cubes be children of an empty gameobject, animate them, and then save that as a prefab. The prefab will save the Animation component with all its references along with your player, so you can then simply instantiate the prefab instead of creating your character again.