Problem With Unity Engine - Text, GameObject and assets....

Ok So I’m quite new to the game development scene (3 weeks) and a friend and I have been working on a Colab Unity Project been going pretty well so far but keep coming across annoying bugs (Could be me, could be a simple mistake) but I don’t know.

I’m in the process of creating a Main Menu for our game, I have the background and now inputting the text.

I input the words “Play” into our scene add a button to the canvas and hit play the text doesn’t display in game view so I go onto the Canvas and change it to “Screen Space - Camera” and then the text displays sometimes.

after I have overcome that hurdle unity decides its fine to throw my text somewhere random in the editor miles away from the game-space meaning I have to realign everything again. It keeps doing this.

I have closed - reopened unity - Nothing.
I have reinstalled unity - Nothing

It’s making it very difficult to learn when I keep coming across problems like this.

I have just gone back into unity now and the text box is there but my text is now invisible but on the correct order layer.

Anyone have any fixes or any ideas on what to do as i’m getting seriously fed up with this engine now.

Thank you for your help

Once you’re familiar with RectTransform and its anchors it gets very easy to work with.

Since you’re having problems, I’d recommend deleting your canvas and starting over because there are too many fields that could have been accidentally set incorrectly. By default, it should work just fine.